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Browser Game 'Magerealm': Lvl.100 right at the corner!


A new Magerealm update is introducing two amazing sets of equipment for high level characters. Each will provide a gorgeous new appearance that will have your enemies in awe as you crush them beneath your shiny new boots.

New Equipment Sets

The Demonsoul, Runeshard, and Soulshard sets are new level 90 equipment for the Realmguard, Spellmaster, and Truthkeeper. Scouts from the Mage Council had recently discovered enormous purple crystals protruding from the ground. Rumors say an ancient demon king perished there countless centuries ago. The demon’s unfamothable powers slowly dissipated into the earth over time, and these crystals eventually erupted from the ground. The Mage Council was able to harness a fraction of the crystals’ power and infuse them into new armor for their mages.

The Triumph, Destiny, and Glory sets are new level 100 equipment for the Realmguard, Spellmaster, and Truthkeeper. Originating from the Heavens themselves, these suits of golden armor were forged by the greatest smiths of the Angels. Each has been made with the finest materials, and then imbued by powerful enchanters to provide unrivaled protection for its wearer.

Mage Road Optimization

Some changes have been made to Mage Road. Stages can now be cleared repeatedly and each has a droprate for cards. Cards can now be activated for bonus stats with no limit as long as players have collected the right combination.

What do you think of the new equipment sets? Let us know on the forums, and follow Magerealm on Facebook or GTArcade and visit the official forums to get the latest news and participate in rewarding events. Come experience an epic fantasy world of magic in this free to play action MMORPG!

Additional Information:

Play Magerealm absolutely free by visiting the following link: http://mage.gtarcade.com/

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