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Star Wars: Force Arena Is A Mobile MOBA

At G-Star 2016 developer Netmarble announced Star Wars: Force Arena, a mobile MOBA developed in cooperation with Lucasfilm. Hold on. What? So, it wasn't really announced. We reported that Star Wars: Battlegrounds had soft-launched in Singapore and Australia at the beginning of the month. Between then and now, the word "Battlegrounds, was dropped and replaced with "Force Arena." Fine by me.

Funny enough, the game's public screenshots focus on the original trilogy characters, ignoring the prequels and no sign of the latest films. I'm surprised Disney didn't elbow Netmarble. They'll likely show up in a future update.

Anyway, you choose between 60 characters, and battle in 1v1 or 2v2 arenas, collecting and upgrading characters, and competing for rewards. It's the usual MOBA-fare.

But it is Star Wars. Are you a big enough Star Wars fan to check out Star Wars: Force Arena?