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Line Of Sight Goes Free-To-Play Exclusively Through Gamengame


If you've been interested in Line of Sight, but haven't wanted to pay the meager Steam Early Access entry fee, now might be a good time to try it out. As of today, the game is free-to-play exclusively through Gamengame. Despite this, the game will continue to be available on Steam Early Access and players will still be required to pay if they want to play through the ever-popular PC gaming client. As compensation, anyone who purchases the base game on Steam will get 500 Gems and "exclusive Steam Early Access Emblems."


You may be wondering why BlackSpot Entertainment decided to go this route and, fortunately, the company answered questions about the move in a Steam Community update that was posted yesterday. According to BlackSpot, it is clear that the game should be free-to-play, top free browser gamestop free mmobut the game is still in a Beta state. Allowing players to download the game for free from Gamengame, but not Steam, ensures that players will be able to play and give feedback while keeping the unfinished game away from the larger Steam audience.


Those of you that are interested can download Line of Sight now via the official website.

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