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Archangel Arrives to Usher in a Clash of Light and Darkness


New transform boss Archangel appeared in Legacy of Discord for a long time, which is the only 5-star Light Faction boss to challenge the Darkness Faction boss Dark Tyrant. A worthy challenger arrives that is a clash of Light and Darkness.Take a sneak peek now!

Exclusive Skill: Deal 250% DMG to all enemies in an area and burn targets over 3s for 80% DMG/s; heal all allies in the area for 45% of their missing HP.

Shared Skill: Randomly gain 1 of the following buffs: +50% ATK / +50% Ele. / +100% DEF / Restore 40% HP / +30% Movement speed. Effects lasts 5s, CD 8s .

Faction Skill: Ignore slow effects, increase own Movement speed by 25%.

How to Get it: Join the Thanksgiving events to exchange fragments.

Which one would you like better? The Darkness or the Light?

More fun is on the way. Legacy of Discord just climbed over the first mountain and now the passion for joy will drive the game forward to the next milestone and bringing high-quality, novel entertainment to the world.

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