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New Angel Thallo Descends in League of Angels!


The Valentine’s Day party has just ended, but something even more exciting is coming! The highly popular free to play MMORPG League of Angels welcomes her next angel this March – Thallo! With unique pink hair, the new angel comes from a place covered in lush green vegetation, which we can tell from her flowing dress. Will she surprise us just like the previous angel Erato did? Come and learn more about angel Thallo! 



Each season has its own intrinsic energy. You can tap into spring’s potential for new growth by inviting the new angel into your squad. Thallo’s skill is called “Seed of life”, by which she will cast immense damage to all enemies and increase own party’s ATK, Agility and DEF with a 100% chance of hitting! It’s a time to best harness the enthusiasm you feel now and sow the seeds of a great team.


Can’t wait to invite the angel of spring to join your squad? You will find Thallo in Single-server Resource Tycoon from March 9th to March 14th! Play League of Angels now and enjoy the loveliest time of the year!