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GTarcade Desktop Rewards Have Been Unlocked!


Congratulations players, exclusive rewards have been unlocked! As some of you might have discovered that FB players can claim these rewards below and continue their epic journey on GTarcade desktop now.


How to log into GTarcade desktop with FB account?

GTarcade desktop development team is proud to announce that from now on, all Facebook players will be able to play LoA III on GTarcade desktop using their FB account. Welcome to join us on GTarcade desktop and explore this immense world of wonder together!

What you need:
A Facebook account
An installed GTarcade desktop 

Here is how it works:

First, you can quick login the client using your Facebook account or sign up a new GTarcade platform account.


Then, you need to link your FB account to our client.

1. Go to All Games >LoA III;
2. Click SERVER to expand the server list;

3. Click the button CONNECT NOW which is near MY SERVER.


4. Follow the instruction to log into FB account and link it to our client.

Congratulations! Now you can log into LoA III and continue your heroic journey on GTarcade desktop.
After linking your FB account to our GTarcade account, you can still play the same character and server that you created on FB before. And by playing LOA III on GTarcade desktop, you have unlocked the exclusive rewards on GTarcade desktop.

How to claim these rewards?
Those reward are exclusive rewards on GTarcade desktop. So before claiming the rewards make sure you are playing LOA III on our official client – GTarcade Desktop. 
1 Enter LoA III;

2 If your account is above LV.17, you can go to Reward Hall>GTarcade, and claim the rewards.

Why GTarcade desktop?

GTarcade Desktop is our official client specially designed for LoA series. Here you can:
1.   Speed up your game and save time from daily tasks with Speed+(exclusive feature of the GTarcade Desktop)
2.    GTarcade exclusive rewards 
3.    Quick fix option for game issues
4.    Collect points and exchange for gifts 
5.    Connect with other players in the community

Download now to get ahead of others: 

If you have any questions during the process, please leave your message on our FB page. Your feedbacks are really appreciated.