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Fast, Convenient and Secure on GTarcade Desktop

GTarcade desktop, official client of League of Angels, is dedicated to providing a better gaming experience to players. Playing LoA series on GTarcade Desktop is fast, convenient and secure.

1.  Speed+ to speed up your game

Speed+ is an exclusive feature on GTarcade desktop specially designed for LoA series players, making your game running noticeably faster!

It is suitable for LoA series;
It can speed up moving speed, battling, auto-questing…
It can shorten your loading and scene-switching time;
It is easy to use. You can enable/disable the function by clicking “Speed+” button in the game window;
It is stable and secure. It can accelerate your game by algorithm, which means safe for your computer hardware.

Let’s see what we can get with Speed+


2. Quick fix your game problems

Quick fix can fix common problems like game not loading or blackscreen. It’s really convenient to fix the problems you will meet to ensure you a hassle-free gaming experience. 


3.  Easy to use

Every time you enter GTarcade desktop, you can click Continue to quick log into the game you played last time.


You can also connect with other players in the community on GTarcade desktop. Welcome to join us on GTarcade desktop and explore this immense world of wonder together!

Download: https://www.gtarcade.com/micro/download?game_id=160