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Wear New Suit Winter Angel and Dance in the Snow!


In winter, the weather in the Sapphire can ice people's breath. A suit of costume which is both warm and beautiful shows up in League of Angels II.  New suit Winter Angel is designed in the colors of snow white and ice blue, which perfectly presents the beauty of winter. Winter Angel will be available in Angel's Fortune event from Dec. 12th to Dec. 14th. Wear your new suit and dance in the snow.




Winter Angel is an Artifact suit that includes two parts - Outfit and Wings, collect 1 part to activate 1 skill and 2 to activate both skills:



Absolute ZeroMax Level

Deal (294%+10960) DMG to all enemies plus an additional 50% DMG to the target with the lowest HP percentage; reduce DEF of all enemies by 15% for 2 rounds.


Frost Strike Max Level

Deal (368%+13720) DMG to a column of enemies with a 15% chance to stun targets for 1 round (this effect ignores immunities).


Do you want to get yourself this new suit? Play League of Angels II from Dec. 12th to Dec. 14th, join the Angel's Fortune and claim it! Meanwhile, Angel's Carnival event is online at that time, where many other wonderful suits are available. More wonderful events will be awaiting you in the game! Stay tuned and have a good time in LOA II!


Download now: https://www.gtarcade.com/micro/download?game_id=160

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