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Get Stuck in Updating & Unable to Enter - What to Do?


GTarcade Desktop updates itself frequently to ensure everyone enjoys the best and fast gaming experience. But very few users may get stuck in 5% or 7%: It reports an Error and restart won’t make it resume. 

This is a rare circumstance. But if you happened to meet this problem,  this Repair Tool will help you back to normal updating process and enter GTarcade Desktop normally.

Following the steps below:
1. Exit GTaracade Desktop entirely.
2. Download this repair tool (3.5 M).  Click here 
3. Open the file to run it.
4. Then the updating process will start again and you can enter the client.


Note: This bug was fixed in the later version. So you can also reinstall the client to solve this problem (uninstall the old one and download the latest version from our official website: https://www.gtarcade.com/micro/download). 

If you have any further questions, please send email to support@gtarcade.com