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New Clothing Easter Bunny: Celebrate for Anniversary & Easter!


April is surely a special month for League of Angels II, since we welcome the 3rd anniversary and Easter festival celebration as expected. We're delighted to have all players' continuous support and love. League of Angels II has prepared a series Celebration from Apr. 6th to Apr. 10th, and we want all players to join in the fun! New clothing Easter Bunny will be available in Single-Server Resource Tycoon event and Anniversary Blessing event. Let's check out more details.




Easter Bunny is an Artifact suit that includes two parts - Outfit and Wings, collect 1 part to activate 1 skill and 2 to activate both skills. Please note that the Outfit will be available in Anniversary Blessing event and the Wings will be available in Single-Server Resource Tycoon event. 




Easter EggMax Level

Deal ATK*(259%+9670) DMG to all enemies and reduce their ATK and DEF by 15% for 1 turn (this effect ignores immunities).


Carrot SmashMax Level

Deal ATK*(373%+13910) DMG to a random enemy and reduce the target's Rage by 300.


Hurry up to join in the Anniversary celebration events, and get this fantasy new suit. From Apr. 6th to Apr. 10th, join the Single Server Resource Tycoon and Anniversary Blessing event, and you'll have chance to gain a whole set of Easter Bunny! More wonderful events will be awaiting you in the game! Stay tuned and have a good time in LOA II!


Download now: https://www.gtarcade.com/micro/download?game_id=160

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