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GTarcade Mother’s Day Event


To celebrate Mother's Day, we invited you all to participate in our social media event. Many players showed us the gifts they gave to their mothers. We were deeply touched, and sure that your mothers all had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Here are the winners:

1st  prize: _rex_ie_

2nd  prize: phoenise

Elpidio Jr TuliaoFat

Charmelaine Chantelle Ramento

3rd prize: 一爱人

Eiman Jusef Oz Pidor

We will send you the in-game gift within 10 days.

In the future, GTarcade will run more great competitions like this be sure to follow us on social media so you don't miss out!

N.B: Due to Facebook's security policy, there is a small chance we may have missed some winners. Please, if you have over 80 likes and did not appear on the list, please contact us within three days.