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Get the New Outfit & Divine Weapon - Invincible General


New Gorgeous Outfit and Divine Weapon Skin is coming from 12 June to 17 June. Players have the great chance to unlock Invincible General! Also, you have the great chance to win abundant rewards during this event.

Entrance: Father’s Day

Event Time: 12 June to 17 June

>>Invincible General

Event Rules:

1. From 12 June to 17 June, players can use Father’s Day Flip Vouchers to draw. Vouchers can be obtained via redemption and purchases.

2. There is a possibility of obtaining 3 types of Banquet Attires, Banquet Entrance Tickets and Banquet Vouchers.

3. A random item reward is guaranteed for each Flip Card Draw.

4. A Yellow Rose is guaranteed for each Flip Card Draw. A specific amount of Yellow Roses can be used to redeem the corresponding reward.

5. The 3 types of Banquet Attires can be used to craft Banquet Entrance Tickets, which can be used to participate in the Father’s Day Banquet.

6. Banquet Vouchers can be used to redeem ultimate rewards in the Father’s Day Store.

7. The Father’s Day Flip Card Draw activity will be closed after June 17, and only the Father’s Day Banquet and Father’s Day Store will be accessible on June 18.

8. After June 18, all activities will end, all Yellow Roses will be cleared, and all relevant items will be destroyed.


Players can get Invincible General directly by getting certain Yellow Roses, each draw can get 1 Yellow Rose.

>>Banquet Entrance Ticket

>>Banquet Voucher



>>Leather Shoes

>>Father’s Day Banquet

>>Father’s Day Store


Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game.