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Dear players,

Thank you very much for being with us! It's you who have made Hero Commander a better game.

However, we are very sorry to announce that, Hero Commander will be closed by 11th Jan. 2016, due to the adjustment of company policy. S1-S51 will be shut down at 16:00 11th Jan. HKT (3:00 11th Jan. EST), and all the access towards Hero Commander will be removed from GTArcade site and Facebook.

We appreciate your support and help on this game deeply from the heart, and we sincerely hope that you would continue to support GTArcade in the future. If you still have Golds in your characters, you may call for a refund.

Again, we're very sorry for all the inconvenience, and thank you very much for your understanding and long time support! May you enjoy yourself with us here at GTArcade.

Best Wishes,

Hero Commander Team

11th Jan. 2016